Corona Info
The pennies have dropped and we don't really want to believe what has just happened in Bavaria. There is no doubt that it is right and important to take a step towards normalisation. But that also means taking more personal responsibility - each and every one of us. Therefore, we will implement a few restrictions during the festival, although not imposed. For other rules, we ask for your help.
Rules, rules, rules
- We only occupy 75% of the permitted seats.
- We keep ventilation breaks of mostly 1 hour. The HyperHepa filters of the Ostentor cinema are also used.
- We ask that regardless of vaccination status, you only come with a daily updated rapid test. This is not controlled, but is only fair to everyone else. They don't cost much, you can even take them for free at test stations.
- We ask you to wear the mask whenever possible.
Just don't be assholes! It's also about the others. We want to be a safe and relaxed festival without corona-superspreader character. Join in, protect yourselves and everyone around you. Then everything will be great!