The last tenant

Director: Gregor ErlerGermany 201897 minutesFSK 18 (unchecked)
Ostentor CinemaFri. 27.09.201917:00Highlight German Cinema

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That is what it is about

Gentrification doesn't stop at anyone and so the pensioner Dietmar also has to leave his Berlin flat after 40 years. But the old man resists the eviction with all his might. An argument between Dietmar, his son Tobias and the estate agent escalates and suddenly the eviction turns into a hostage drama. When the young policewoman Shirin knocks on the door, Tobias has to decide which side he is on - that of the law or the morally right one.

What you should know

DER LETZTE MIETER is Gregor Erler's first feature-length film. The director decided to produce the film without funding in order to be able to act more quickly. The result is a dense chamber play that consistently thinks through and exacerbates the often ignored personal side of those affected by de-tenancy and gentrification. The characters are nevertheless very sensitively and lifelike in their radicalism and make this emotional chamber play a gripping thriller.
Original title: The Last Tenant
Rights holder: Film 13
Language: Original with English subtitles
Cast: Pegah Ferydoni, Matthias Ziesing, Tom Keune
Film Festivals: Five Continents International Film Festival, Genrenale, Hofer Filmtage, London Independent Film Awards, Manchester International Film Festival


Gregor Erler studied at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and runs the production company Film 13 together with Matthias Ziesing, the lead actor from DER LETZTE MIETER. He won several awards for his short films "Grenzgänger" (2006) and "St. Christophorus: Roadkill" (2010). He also shoots commercials and music videos in order to be able to finance his film projects self-sufficiently. With THE LAST RENTER, Erler won prizes in Manchester and London and opened the 2019 Genrenale.
The last tenant, Director

Our guests at the film screening

Gregor Erler

The Berlin director showed himself to be sympathetic and open-minded at the seventh HARD:LINE Film Festival. With many anecdotes and shrewdness, he reported on the problems of getting good genre cinema off the ground in this country during Q&As and a panel discussion on the topic of "German genre film".

>> Click here for the recorded interview!

Audience Award

The Last Tenant was voted 2nd place (4.25 points) in the feature-length category by our audience at the 2019 HARD:LINE Festival.

The evaluation was based on a five-point system (1 = Nope!, 5 = Yeah!).

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