Martin narrowly escaped the clutches of Nazi revenants who once wiped out his entire circle of friends. Well aware of the goals of the Nazi zombies, he contacts a special unit from the USA, the Zombie Squad. When the squad of film nerds arrives to finish off the modern Wehrmacht, it becomes clear that they don't stand a chance against the wavering superiority. Only luck can help ... or undead Russian prisoners of war.
After his success with DEAD SNOW, Tommy Wirkola could have put the subject of Nazi zombies to rest. For Wirkola, the fun seems to have just begun. Bloodier and more uninhibited than ever, he slaughters his way through the undead hordes and once again underlines the intelligent freshness and irony with which he celebrates genre cinema. This is what horror comedies must look like today: Bloody, quote-heavy and completely absurd. DEAD SNOW: RED VS. DEAD is nothing but a grenade!