This was what happened at the 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival


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Eggs, we need eggs!

That was already known by Olli Kahn, who has as much to do with us as the church has to do with dance events on Good Friday. Well, that opens the discussion once again. A discussion that was held every year before the pandemic, like the one about daylight saving time. We are not arguing for its abolition. Everyone should have the right to believe what they like. Religious freedom must be guaranteed for everyone. That is our firm conviction. Of course, we abide by the rules provided for silent holidays. There is no party on Friday, on Saturday only from 0:00 and even there with consideration. And in the cinema? Is it allowed to have a film party?

Knowing our audience, we are aware of the respectful treatment of genre content. We don't have splatter comedies these days, but smart examinations of the societies in which we and others live. The pessimism and gloom that permeates the films is a philosophical view of things. A thought experiment in which impulses are set for a better world. For gender equality, religious freedom, international understanding and much more. In short: for a world without assholes. Topics that we as a festival do not only think about at Easter. They are always important to us. Every year, at any time. That is inherent in the genre.

That being said, a year and a half ago, when we had to set the deadline for grant applications, no one thought about Easter. So we brew our soup and make it nice. Together, we do what we always do: We watch, condemn or celebrate genre films from around the world. 13 feature-length films have been made, 16 short contributions. In total we are happy about 16 German premieres, one international premiere and one world premiere. We invite guests from all over the world again, because despite Easter flying is allowed again in the world. We even return to our two favorite formats: the four-day run and the "Directors Spotlight," which this year even received special funding from the Goethe-Institut for its special cultural exchange. But the best thing is to see for yourselves. We are looking forward to seeing you!


The films of the 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival


A total of 20 film premiere(s) in 2023. Of which 1 world premiere(s) [W]; 1 international premiere(s) [I]; 0 European premiere(s) [E]; 18 German premiere(s) [ D];


Guests present at the screening

Our festival guests

Achmed Abdel-Salam, Alexander Dirninger, Kevin Gullberg, Alejandro Mathé, Simon Öster, Dain Said, Nandita Solomon, Paolo Strippoli, Lena Weiss

Nine film guests made the journey to Regensburg to present their work in the cathedral city.

The winners of the 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival

Méliès D'Argent for the best European fantastic short film:

Audience voting:

Golden Razor Blade-2_1
Golden Razor Blade - the best feature-length films

1. BLAZE (4.31)
2. SOFT & QUIET (4.18)
3. FLOWING (4.13)

Silver Razor Blade - the best short films

1. LOST IN THE SKY (4.42)
2. OLDMEN RULE (4.11)
3. LA NUEVA (3.90)

Silver Razor Blade-2_1

The timetable of the festival

Framework programme

Director Spotlight

After almost three years, we are finally returning to the heart of the festival: the Directors Spotlight. On the basis of three films, we portray the work of a filmmaker. This year, the focus is on Dain Said. The Malaysian director is no stranger to the international scene: Oscar submission for his country, A-festival screenings of his films... and yet he is hardly known in Germany. Let's change that... and discover his work!



Méliès Competition

Since the 7th HARD:LINE Film Festival we also show short films. We were able to project real highlights of the genre onto the screen in Regensburg. 16 shorts were and will be screened, ten of which are vying for the jury prize. The Méliès D'Argent is awarded by us as a member festival on behalf of the Méliès International Festivals Federation - for the best European, fantastic genre short film of the festival.


Graduation evening 2023

What would we be without our graduation night? Exactly, we would be nothing, but nothing at all. This program item belongs to our DNA, it is an indelible part of us. Since the first year we have been nurturing this tender little plant and are always happy when it blossoms! This year, we're tackling it again and offering you the grand finale: concert, awards ceremony and closing film - all in one show. That's how it is! That's the way it has to be!



Aftershow party

There are hardly any parties at the HARD:LINE this year. Because the rabbit puts a spoke in our wheel. "Silent holidays" are what send us to the basement for a laugh and put us off a proper bash in the cinema pub. Therefore, the sublime E-music entertainers at the turntables will touch the volume regulator only on Saturday from 0:00. Before that, it's just a cozy cinema pub. That's nice, too.



Impressions from the 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival

Film talks for the 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival